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Messages of Greetings

Reem Alabali-Radovan
Reem Alabali-Radovan
Greeting by the Commissioners of the German Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration
Reem Alabali-Radovan
Reem Alabali-Radovan
Greeting by the Commissioners of the German Federal Government for Migration, Refugees and Integration
Reem Alabali-Radovan, German Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, also Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism writes about the project: "The picture books on bilingual-picturebooks.org open up a wonderful world for everyone - regardless of their family's immigration history. The books encourage reading and reading aloud, in German and in the native language. "The Magic Dictionary", "Chocolate Cake in Hawaii" or "How Does the Future Actually Come About?" - in these and many other stories, children and young people from all over the world tell their ideas, wishes and hopes in pictures and text. Translated into German and many other languages, they also build bridges between different worlds of experience. Today, multilingualism and diversity have long been a lived reality in our society. This makes multilingual picture books all the more valuable: they can support the acquisition of the German language and language exchange in kindergarten or school. In addition, a story in the family language can offer a home and make it easier to arrive in Germany. I wish continued success to the project!"
Kirsten Boie
Kirsten Boie
项目大使Kirsten Boie寄语
Kirsten Boie
Kirsten Boie
项目大使Kirsten Boie寄语
不仅在德国居住着来自不同国度的人们。多语种家庭遍布世界各地,数量不断增加:讲叙利亚语、特维语或波斯语的父母的孩子在幼儿园中几周后或者在学校中几个月后便可以毫无困难地听懂德语(或瑞典语、法语、丹麦语)。 通过双语绘本,家长和孩子可以共同阅读故事。不仅如此,对于在学校、幼儿园和难民中心中的难民儿童或对于我们学习外语,双语绘本都将带来巨大帮助。由于语言可以随意结合,即使是较为罕见的搭配同样能够得以实现。在多语言国家(例如,几乎所有撒哈拉以南的非洲国家,以及许多亚洲国家),这些语言可以获得合并。双语绘本应成为一个全球项目。 此外,双语绘本为每个国家的每个儿童群体提供了一个机会,即为所有其他国家的所有其他儿童自主撰写并设计绘本。我敢肯定,很多家长、幼儿园、学校会十分期待来自阿拉伯、非洲、亚洲或其他欧洲国家的孩子的故事。这是多么令人振奋的全新可能性啊! 我希望这个项目打动众多使用者!
Julia Donaldson
Julia Donaldson
咕噜牛书的作者Julia Donaldson说:
Julia Donaldson
Julia Donaldson
咕噜牛书的作者Julia Donaldson说:
“What an exciting and worthwhile project, one which enables children to read – and write – stories in their mother tongue. I love the idea of these stories travelling all over the world.”


Rana Yasser Alkilaney
Rana Yasser Alkilaney
Rana Yasser Alkilaney
Rana Yasser Alkilaney
Favourite passages translated for "1001 Languages": You have to stick together. ("魔法字典") / أهم درس تعلماه هو أن عليهما البقاء سويا (القاموس السحري) / The wise frog found his love far away and taught his children honesty. ("The Swan, the Goat and the Frog") / وجد الضفدع الحكيم حب حياته بعيدا وعلم أولاده الأمانة. (الأوزة والعنزة والضفدع)
Dr. Renata Behrendt
Dr. Renata Behrendt
德文 - 波兰语/ 汉诺威, 意大利语
Dr. Renata Behrendt
Dr. Renata Behrendt
德文 - 波兰语/ 汉诺威, 意大利语
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Nagle poczułam nieodpartą potrzebę zobaczenia całego świata. Postanowiłam spakować się i wyruszyć następnego dnia rano. / Plötzlich verspürte ich das dringende Gefühl, die weite Welt zu sehen. Ich beschloss, gleich am nächsten Morgen zu packen und loszuziehen. ('Rat Rokaja Wants to See the World') --> The rat Rokaja urges to break out of its backyard. I wish every child to feel the longing for the wide world and to live out this dream on both geographical and imaginary paths.
Michela Farina
Michela Farina
德文 - 意大利语 /波恩, 意大利语
Michela Farina
Michela Farina
德文 - 意大利语 /波恩, 意大利语
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Per poter spegnere una volta per tutte il suo fuoco, si tuffò con un gran salto e venne attratta inarrestabilmente verso il fondo. Nonostante la fiamma ardesse intensamente in lei, non avrebbe resistito a lungo contro il gorgogliare dell’acqua. / Um sein Feuer ein für alle Mal zu ersticken, sprang er mit einem großen Satz hinein und wurde unaufhaltsam in die Tiefe gezogen. So heiß die Glut in ihm auch brannte, konnte sie nicht ewig gegen das brodelnde Wasser bestehen. ('The Flaming Fox') --> Here you can also find my favourite expression "das brodelnde Wasser"/ "il gorgogliare dell’acqua", because I didn't know it and I rarely use the expression in Italian either.
Tamara González Fernández
Tamara González Fernández
Tamara González Fernández
Tamara González Fernández
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Y así lo hacen, y van todos volando de la mano de Nika hasta el Castillo, a llevar la medicina a la princesa María en una botella. / E así o dixo, voan todos sobre Nika ata o castelo para levaren a menciña embotellada á princesa María. ("Maria and Nika the Dragon")
Edith Neves Mendel Fréccia
Edith Neves Mendel Fréccia
Edith Neves Mendel Fréccia
Edith Neves Mendel Fréccia
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': „I do not have any favorite passages or words. All the stories are enchanting because they represent the children's eyes and souls. Their perception is so peculiar and beautiful.“
Maria Fullana
Maria Fullana
加泰罗尼亚语、西班牙语、法语 - 加泰罗尼亚语、加利西亚语、西班牙语
Maria Fullana
Maria Fullana
加泰罗尼亚语、西班牙语、法语 - 加泰罗尼亚语、加利西亚语、西班牙语
Núria Roca Garcia
Núria Roca Garcia
English - Catalan, Spanish / France
Núria Roca Garcia
Núria Roca Garcia
English - Catalan, Spanish / France
My favorite passage is the end of "The Egg in the Moon." But, of course, I won't spoil it... El meu fragment preferit és el final de "L'ou a la lluna". Però, és clar, no en faré espòiler... www.linkedin.com/in/nuriarocagarcia
Carmen María Lupiáñez Garrido
Carmen María Lupiáñez Garrido
英语、法语-西班牙语/马拉加, 西班牙
Carmen María Lupiáñez Garrido
Carmen María Lupiáñez Garrido
英语、法语-西班牙语/马拉加, 西班牙
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Así que el elefante lanzó el hechizo: «¡Abracadabro, dabro, dajo, nejo! ¡Ahora eres un súper conejo!» ¡El conejo estaba alucinado al ver que tenía una capa de Superman y podía volar! / So the elephant cast the spell: "Abracadabrit, drabbit, babbit, nabit! You are now a Super Rabbit!" The rabbit was amazed when he suddenly had a Superman cape and could fly! (贪婪的兔子)
Ana-Sânziana Ghelase
Ana-Sânziana Ghelase
英语 - 罗马尼亚语 / Cluj-Napoca, 罗马尼亚
Ana-Sânziana Ghelase
Ana-Sânziana Ghelase
英语 - 罗马尼亚语 / Cluj-Napoca, 罗马尼亚
Favourite Passage translated for '1001 Languages': O sută de bomboane este numărul perfect – exact cât pentru o geantă plină! / One hundred candies is the perfect number – that’s exactly one full bag! ('Rokaja the Rat Wants to See the World').
Monica Giancaspro
Monica Giancaspro
Monica Giancaspro
Monica Giancaspro
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': I bambini festeggiarono per tutto il giorno e per tutta la notte. The children celebrated all day and night. (“The Search for a Mysterious Island”)
Dahlia Ibrahim
Dahlia Ibrahim
英语 - 阿拉伯语 / 亚历山大, 埃及
Dahlia Ibrahim
Dahlia Ibrahim
英语 - 阿拉伯语 / 亚历山大, 埃及
Lieblingsstelle, die für "1001 Sprache" übersetzt wurde: يعرضون السيارة وكيفية عملها في مؤتمر المخترعين. حازوا علي المركز الأول في المسابقة الدولية. فرح العمدة و تركهم يمكثون في إيطاليا. ذهب إلي البروفيسور بلاتان و قال:"أنا آسف لأنه تم طردك إلي الخارج." بعد بضعة أشهر تزوج جوليوس بلاتان و بوبيل. إنه حفل زفاف رائع و يوجد تورتة فراولة و كل العائلة موجودة هناك. كل شيء سار علي ما يرام و إنتهي بشكل جيد. (Sie präsentieren das Auto auf der Erfinderkonferenz und es funktioniert. Sie gewinnen den 1. Platz beim Wettbewerb. Der Bürgermeister freut sich und sie dürfen in Italien bleiben. Er geht zu Professor Platan und sagt: „Tut mir leid, dass du rausgeworfen wurdest.” Ein paar Monate später heiraten Julius Platan und Pupille. Es ist eine tolle Hochzeit und es gibt Erdbeertorte und die ganze Familie ist da. Ende gut, alles gut).
Nelly Pan
Nelly Pan
英语 - 俄语 / 德国 弗莱堡
Nelly Pan
Nelly Pan
英语 - 俄语 / 德国 弗莱堡
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Ааааа, закричала я, падая. Уф, хорошо затормозила. Хорошо, что есть турбины. Но где же я приземлилась? Неужели в джунглях? Вообще-то я собиралась домой... / Aaah, schrie ich, als ich runterfiel. Puh, gut abgebremst. Praktisch, dass die Düsen da waren. Doch wo war ich bloß gelandet? Etwa im Regenwald?! Ich wollte doch eigentlich nach Hause... ("Elina and the Flying Car")
Maria Grazia Ordanini
Maria Grazia Ordanini
英语 - 意大利语/意大利语
Maria Grazia Ordanini
Maria Grazia Ordanini
英语 - 意大利语/意大利语
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': She had her ice-cold gaze fixed on the three sixth-formers. “What are you doing here and who are you, you little toads?” asked the castle cook in her husky voice. / Il suo sguardo gelido era fisso sui tre studenti. “Cosa state facendo qui, e chi siete voi, piccoli rospi?” chiese la cuoca del castello con la sua voce rauca. (The Diary)
Sarah Robinson
Sarah Robinson
德文 - 英语/ 伦敦, 英国
Sarah Robinson
Sarah Robinson
德文 - 英语/ 伦敦, 英国
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Ideas are often in places you would never have expected them to be –deeply ensconced in the maze of your imagination. / Ideen liegen oft an Orten, wo Du sie nie vermutet hättest - tief versteckt im Irrgarten Deiner Fantasie. ('The Gift of a Dream')
Imma Blanquer Rosselló
Imma Blanquer Rosselló
Imma Blanquer Rosselló
Imma Blanquer Rosselló
Daniel Sebin
Daniel Sebin
德文 - 罗马尼亚语 / Cluj-Napoca, 罗马尼亚
Daniel Sebin
Daniel Sebin
德文 - 罗马尼亚语 / Cluj-Napoca, 罗马尼亚
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Nu ar fi frumos ca toți oamenii să poată să învețe să meargă pe bicicletă? / Wäre es nicht schön, wenn alle Menschen Fahrradfahren lernen können?  ('How Does Future Actually Come About')
Liza Steinberg
Liza Steinberg
英语 - 俄文 /英国
Liza Steinberg
Liza Steinberg
英语 - 俄文 /英国
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': «Чтобы выпить кооооофе? О нет, ты ведь не серьезно, правда?» Одновременно вскрикнули измученные пятерняшки и посмотрели друг на друга в ужасе и ошеломлении. / "To have coffeeeeeee? Oh no, you aren’t serious, are you?” The quintuplets called out simultaneously and looked at each other, horrified, dumbfounded and exhausted. ('The Fantastic Five')
Anna Stier
Anna Stier
德文 - 法语 / Cayenne, 法属​圭亚那
Anna Stier
Anna Stier
德文 - 法语 / Cayenne, 法属​圭亚那
Favourite Passage translated for '1001 Languages': L'inventeur qui ne savait pas lire: Pulille est tellement en colère qu’elle crie au professeur Platane : « Si tu ne quittes pas immédiatement le pays des fées, je jetterai ton amie Pupille dans ce lac de chocolat chaud ! » / Pullille ist so wütend, dass sie Professor Platan anbrüllt: „Wenn du nicht sofort das Feenland verlässt, dann werfe ich deine Freundin Pupille in diesen heißen Schokoladensee!“ ('The Inventor Who Couldn't Read')
Laura Baró Vilardell
Laura Baró Vilardell
英语、日语、西班牙语 -> 加泰罗尼亚语、西班牙语/巴塞罗那,西班牙
Laura Baró Vilardell
Laura Baró Vilardell
英语、日语、西班牙语 -> 加泰罗尼亚语、西班牙语/巴塞罗那,西班牙
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': "The swan, the goat and the frog": ‘The one thing I wanted was honesty. But you can’t give me that.’ / - L’únic que jo demanava era honestedat. Però tu no em pots donar ni això.-
Lanny Yunita
Lanny Yunita
英语 - 印尼语 / 日惹,印尼
Lanny Yunita
Lanny Yunita
英语 - 印尼语 / 日惹,印尼
Favourite passage translated for '1001 Languages': Dia penuh dengan ide, impiannya adalah berkeliling dunia untuk membuat penemuan baru dan mengumpulkan pengalaman baru. / Full of ideas, he dreams of travelling around the world to make new discoveries and collect new experiences. (Apkètè's dream)
Alicja Zając
Alicja Zając
英语-波兰语 / Zgierz, 波兰
Alicja Zając
Alicja Zając
英语-波兰语 / Zgierz, 波兰
Favourite passage translated for "1001 Languages": An Us is born wherever people like each other. So there are quite a lot of Us-es and no two of them look completely alike. But they all have one thing in common: They are all precious. This is a story about Ben and Emma‘s Us. The Us connects Ben and Emma in a beautiful way. It makes them think of each other, even when they can‘t see each other. The Us lets them understand each other, even without words. / My rodzi się gdziekolwiek ludzie się nawzajem lubią. Jest więc całkiem sporo My-ów i żadne dwa nie wyglądają dokładnie tak samo. Ale wszystkie mają ze sobą coś wspólnego: wszystkie są cenne. To jest historia o My, należącym do Bena i Emmy. My łączy Bena i Emmę w cudowny sposób. Sprawia, że myślą o sobie nawzajem, nawet kiedy się nie widzą. My pozwala im rozumieć drugą osobę, nawet bez słów. ("The little Us")
Shuifan Zhong
Shuifan Zhong
法语、英语 -- 中文(普通话) / 北京,中国
Shuifan Zhong
Shuifan Zhong
法语、英语 -- 中文(普通话) / 北京,中国


Ulrich Wickert
Ulrich Wickert
.... about the book 'The Gift of a Dream'
Journalist and author Ulrich Wickert reviewed the picture book "The Gift of a Dream", which was published here on www.bilingual-picturebooks.org last summer: "The Gift of a Dream" is a wonderful introduction to the philosophy of ideas. This book is an invitation to talk with children about ideas. A market stall is set up and someone starts giving away ideas. Quite casually he is talking to his customers: Are ideas found or forged? Or is it better to play with them? What is an idea thief? Does an idea have to be carried by many until it finds its way into the world? (...) "The Gift of a Dream" is a fabulous gift for all those who like to philosophize with children.


Daniel Hope
Daniel Hope
... recorded the English audio book of "The Flaming Fox".