is made possible by many supporters.
You can help us to continue..
You can either volunteer to translate for us. You can donate or you can support us through a project membership through Steady.
- Translate: You can find all the information here.
- Donate: If you want to donate, you can either do so online at or by bank transfer to this account: Bücherpiraten e.V., IBAN: DE88 2305 0101 0160 4446 83, BIC: NOLADE21SPL, Sparkasse zu Lübeck
- Project membership with Steady: Select the amount of your support below. With your monthly contribution you help us to keep the site running. Important: This membership does not commit you to anything. You can easily cancel it at any time. But as long as you want to help us in this way, we are very happy! You can read more about Steady here. Unfortunately at the moment only in german. If you have questions, please write a mail.