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"Audioctober" in many voices and languages

We are still in the process of uploading the many, many audio books that were recorded in October. We were given over 30 new audiobooks in over 10 languages by many enthusiastic readers this "Audioctober": By very young and by adult voices; by people who sat in front of a microphone for the first time and people who do nothing else in their everyday lives. Some recorded at home, some in a professional recording studio and some visited us to record at the house of the Bücherpiraten. 16 students from the Koç School in Turkey, who contributed to the book "How Can the Future Be a Success?", now recorded the Turkish audio book of the story. They had so much fun doing it that they decided to record even more stories for "1001 Languages".  We are very, very grateful for so much voluntary help and so much joy in reading aloud!

Stories only really come to life when they are read aloud. Reading aloud connects and creates human closeness and warmth in stories. That's why it's so important to us that every child can listen to stories in their own familiar language. At the same time, we keep hearing from educators and teachers that audiobooks help to deepen language skills and also to arouse curiosity about language worlds that are still unfamiliar.

For example, have you ever heard a story in Swiss German? "Vor langer, langer Zyt, wo d'Wält no jung gsi isch und d'Tier no händ chöne redä, …“ begins the story of the "Wizard and the Brave Snails". And it sounds completely different in Italian "Tanto, tanto tempo fa, quando il mondo era ancora agli inizi e gli animali potevano parlare,..."  And again completely different in Greek or in Turkish or in...

Why not cosy up on the sofa with a blanket and a cup of tea and have a listen for yourself!

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