About the Project
We want children to find books in their own language.
For an incredible number of children in the world, their first contact with the wonderful thing called "book" is in a foreign language: children who had to flee a country, children in indigenous language communities, children with a migration background.
This way, reading aloud, which for others creates a sense of security and emotional closeness, is often a situation of uncertainty and strangeness. The barrier to education becomes very high.
We want children to find their voice.
Adults listen far too rarely to what children have to say. But half of stories is about listening.
That's why children can find their voice at "1001 Languages at bilingual-picturbooks.org". They publish their own stories - be it a philosophy book, a fairy tale or a story about a chicken that takes a bus to the moon.
Over 200 volunteers then translate these stories into countless languages.
Families, kindergartens, schools and initiatives can download them free of charge. And in exactly the language combination they need.
Come Aboard!
Help children find their voice.
Help children find books in their own language.
Some project phases of "1001 Languages on bilingual-picturebooks.org" were supported by foundations. Many thanks to Margot und Jürgen Wessel-Stiftung, Possehl-Stiftung, Stiftung Jugendmarke and Dräger Stiftung.
But we have no core funding.
You can help us make the project go further. We know that many people together can make a big difference. If everyone gives a little bit every month, we can safeguard the project in the long run.
We have started a Patreon account. There, people can help with 3 euros a month or 8 euros or 20 euros or more. As a thank you, you can get exclusive pictures from great illustrators who donate their artwork to us.
Others give their time. If you would like to volunteer as a translator, we would be very happy to hear from you.