Audioctober: The month of the audiobook
It is getting cold outside, the leaves are falling and the darkness is creeping in. Perfect for getting cozy inside and listening to an audiobook! You do not know which one? No problem: Today is the first day of audioctober. This month we will upload at least one new audiobook to every day. The audiobooks are spoken by our voluntary translators. A foreign language only truly comes to life when you hear it, so put on your headphones and dive into a new story!
These audiobooks have already been uploaded:
- The glass ring in Indonesian
- Apkètès Dream in Brasilian Portuguese
- Anton the Shark in Brasilian Portuguese
- The Egg on the Moon in Brasilian Portuguese
- The Magician and the Brave Snails in Brasilian Portuguese
- Rokaja the Rat Wants to See the World in Greek
- The Swan, the Goat and the Frog in traditional Chinese
- The Greedy Rabbit in Spanish
- How does the Future Actually come About? in Dutch
- How does the Future Actually come About? in Cantonese
- How does the Future Actually come About? in Swissgerman
- Chocolate Cake in Hawaii in Swissgerman
- The glass Ring in Persian
- Pabo and Elmo in German
- Where are you Momo? in Dutch
- Pabo and Elmo in Cantonese
- The Glass Ring in English
- The Search for a Mysterious Island in German
- The Egg on the Moon in English
- Lodig the Giraffe Collects Birthday Greetings in Spanish
- The Magic Rainbow Tooth in German
- Flower the Cat Is Looking for an Adventure in Brasilian Portuguese
- The Flaming Fox in Italian
- Flower the Cat Is Looking for an Adventure in German
- The Greedy Rabbit in German
- Apkètè's Dream in German
- Anton the Shark in German
- Apkètè's Dream in Dutch
- The Ant Library in English
- The Flaming Fox in Lithuanian
- The Greedy Rabbit in Italian
- The Search for a Mysterious Island in Italian
- Oskar and Lumufo in Greek
- Oskar and Lumufo in traditional Manadarin
- The Swan, the Giat and the Frog in Greek
- A Party in the Amazon in French
- Raberas flies around the World in German
- The Gift of a Dream in Indonesian
- The Gift of a Dream in Italian
- How Does the Future Actually COme About? in Korean
- Chocolate Cake in Hawaii in Dutch
- The Inventor who couldn't read in German
- Elina and the Flying Car in German
- The Egg on the Moon in Vietnamese
- Oskar and Lumufo in Spanisch
- Rokaja the Rat Wants to See the World in Vietnamese
- The Egg on the Moon in Greek
- Oskar and Lumufo in German
- Ciara and the MAgic Headdress in German
- The Magic Rainbow Tooth in Brasilian Portuguese
- The Diary in German
- The Fantastic Five in German
- Lodig the Giraffe Collects Birthday Greetings in Russian
- The Puma Max in German
- The Dragonproblem in Ukrainian
- The Swan, the Goat and the Frog in Ukrainian
- The Search for a Mysterious Island in Ukrainian
- The Ant Libraray in German
- The Egg on the Moon in German
- How Does the Future Actually Come About? in Bulgarian
- Chocolate Cake in Hawaii in Ukrainian
- The Search for a Mysterious Island in Brasilian Portuguese
The audioctober project is supported by funds from the Dräger Stiftung Lübeck.