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The Case of the Banana Peel


Маленький образец для чтения:
Max was sitting at the breakfast table spreading jam on his sandwich when his cat Silli landed on the table. She was brown with black stripes. She accidentally hit Max's shoulder with one of her small, white wings. Max was shocked, and his jam sandwich fell out of his hand. “Hey! That wasn’t smart! You're usually cleverer than me,” shouted the somewhat clumsy Max. He thought to himself: “I was a little lucky in my bad luck, as usual.” “The jam sandwich just managed to land on the side that didn’t have jam on it,” he explained to Silli. “Yes,” answered the cat. Max put the jam sandwich in his mouth; he really did love sweet things.

Banana peel, candy, detective, clues

Язык оригинала:

Aaron, Danil, Elmo, Enes, Luis, Martha E., Martha T., Matilda, Melina, Salomea, Zehra

Aaron, Danil, Elmo, Enes, Luis, Martha E., Martha T., Matilda, Melina, Salomea, Zehra

Barbara Steinitz, Christina Sturm, Pauline Eininger, Nele Bürger

Добровольный перевод:
Английский, Русский

При спонсорской поддержке:
Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration, zugleich Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Antirassismus

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