Ваш язык: ardeenesfrruzh


In our christmas break some fantastic news reached us which we would like to share with you now. Maybe you did not know, but maybe you have already suspected that we love numbers in which all digits are identical (they do look great). (In german these numbers are called "Schnapszahlen" which translates to liquor-numbers.) Today we count more than 33.333 downloads of bilingual picture books on bilingual-picturebooks.org. And to put the cherry on the icing the 33.333rd download was beautiful and fascinating kombination of languages. Someone downloaded the book "How does Future Actually Come About?" in Ostallgäuersisch - Vietnamese.

By the way, since the first lockdown the monthly downloads on this site have tripled. This assures us in our belief that this website and the easy, free access to bilingual picturebooks it provides, is important - especially in times like this.

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