Su idioma: ardeenesfrruzh

The Sound of Home : Audiobooks for audioctober

You might know this feeling: Although it is nice to read a language, one can only fully immerse in it when one hears how it is spoken. The way a language feels is greatly influenced by the way it sounds. An audiobook in ones own language kann transport us home, however far away that may be.

For this reason, we also try to create audiobooks for every book we have on For the past month we have done a marathon of recordings with the aim to double the amount of audiobooks available. Now looking back, we exceeded this goal, as two new audiobook were uploaded every day! With a total of 63 new audiobooks in 28 different languages, there are as many audiobooks as never before!

This amazing record is also thanks to partners such what the MediaLab Wunstorf. This club of the Hölty Gymnasiums Wunstorf in Germany has not only provided us with six new Ukrainian translations, but also with a series of new audiobooks. In the span off only one week the audiobooks were recorded and sent to us. So why not grab a mircophone and record the sounds of home ?

The audioctober project is supported by funds from the Dräger Stiftung Lübeck.

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