Your language: ardeenesfrruzh

601 Language Combinations!

We were overjoyed when our language-combination-counter switched to 600 and then even to 601. At about 11 AM our bilingual picturebook „How does Future Actually Come About?“ was downloaded in Urdu-Chinese (Mandarin). The 601st language combination in which our bilingual picture books have been downloaded so far. We love the idea that somebody reads the book (and who knows, maybe they are actually reading it in this moment) in Urdu and Mandarin. In case you arenßt familiar with the database of free bilingual picturebooks on yet, you should have a look at it. 

Thanks to our many voluntary translators the number of available languages on the website is always growing. For example, the latest languages we are working on are: Basque, Pulaar, Sinhala and Malayalam. Having a look at the new languages from time to time is always worthwhile. We are looking forward to reaching 1001 created language combinations eventually!

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